Psi Value Calculations

Non-Repeating Thermal Bridges

Psi-Values are used to calculate a building's overall heat loss at a junction, also referred to as a non-repeating thermal bridge.

Thermal bridging (or cold bridging) is the movement of heat across an object that is more conductive than the materials around it.  This conductive material creates a path of least resistance for heat, allowing it to transfer to the outside world.  The heat loss associated with a thermal bridge is called linear thermal transmittance or Psi value.

Bespoke Psi-Value calculations can increase the chances of your SAP/SBEM calculation achieving Building Regulation compliance and can create greater energy savings for your property.

3Co Consultancy Services can calculate the heat loss through a thermal bridge junction using approved modelling software and is a member of the Psi Value Competency Scheme.


SBEM Calculations


Energy Reports